Cp > Cp Assembly Interfaces > ICpNonLinearDecomposition > ICpNonLinearDecomposition.Equations
Equations: Array;
Equations: System.Array;
The Equations property determines system equations.
Use the ICpNonLinearDecomposition.MethodType property to determine a method of solution search.
The system of non-linear equations is created in this example:
Output variables: x1, x2.
Controlling variables: u, v.
Equations that form the system:
x1[t] = 0.3 * x1[t-1] + 0.1 * x2[t+1] + u[t-1] * x1[t+1] *x2[t-1].
x2[t] = -0.2 * x1[t-1] + 0.4 *x2[t+1] + (x1[t+1] * x2[t-1])/(v[t-1]+1).
Add links to the Cp, Stat system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
Optima: NonLinearDecomposition;
PeriodL, j, i: Integer;
Vars: INonLDVariables;
Vrbl: INonLDVariable;
RetroX1, ForestX1: Array Of Double;
RetroX2, ForestX2: Array Of Double;
RetroU, ForestU: Array Of Double;
RetroV, ForestV, InitApproximation: Array Of Double;
Funstions: Array Of String;
Res: INonLoResults;
val: Double;
Optima := New NonLinearDecomposition.Create;
// Set value of calculation period
PeriodL := 4;
RetroX1 := New Double[PeriodL]; ForestX1 := New Double[PeriodL];
RetroX2 := New Double[PeriodL]; ForestX2 := New Double[PeriodL];
RetroU := New Double[PeriodL]; ForestU := New Double[PeriodL];
RetroV := New Double[PeriodL]; ForestV := New Double[PeriodL];
InitApproximation := New Double[PeriodL];
For i := 0 To PeriodL - 1 Do
RetroX1[i] := -2.1 - i; ForestX1[i] := 1.9 + i;
RetroX2[i] := -2.2 - i; ForestX2[i] := 1.8 + i;
RetroU[i] := -2.3 - i; ForestU[i] := 1.7 + i;
RetroV[i] := -2.4 - i; ForestV[i] := 1.6 + i;
InitApproximation[i] := 0.1;
End For;
// Add the first variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("x1");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroX1;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderRetrospective := "x1[t];x1[t-1]";
Vrbl.Forestall := ForestX1;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderForestall := "x1[t];x1[t+1]";
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitApproximation;
// Add the second variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("x2");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroX2;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderRetrospective := "x2[t];x2[t-1]";
Vrbl.Forestall := ForestX2;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderForestall := "x2[t];x2[t+1]";
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitApproximation;
// Set initial approximations for the first controlling variable
For i := 0 To PeriodL - 1 Do
InitApproximation[i] := 1.5 * (i + 1);
End For;
// Add the first controlling variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("u");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroU;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderRetrospective := "u[t];u[t-1]";
Vrbl.Forestall := ForestU;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderForestall := "u[t];u[t+1]";
Vrbl.ControlVariable := True;
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitApproximation;
// Set initial approximations for the second controlling variable
For i := 0 To PeriodL - 1 Do
InitApproximation[i] := 2 * (i + 1);
End For;
// Add the second controlling variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("v");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroV;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderRetrospective := "v[t];v[t-1]";
Vrbl.Forestall := ForestV;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderForestall := "v[t];v[t+1]";
Vrbl.ControlVariable := True;
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitApproximation;
// Create a system of non-linear equations
Funstions := New String[2];
Funstions[0] := "0.3 * x1[t-1] + 0.1 * x2[t+1] + u[t-1] * x1[t+1] *x2[t-1]";
Funstions[1] := "-0.2 * x1[t-1] + 0.4 *x2[t+1] + (x1[t+1] * x2[t-1])/(v[t-1]+1)";
Optima.Equations := Funstions;
Optima.NodesCount := 2;
Optima.Extremum := ExtremumType.Minimum;
Optima.MaxIteration := 250;
Optima.Tolerance := 0.000001;
Optima.MethodType := NonLinearEquationsType.HMethod;
// System calculation
Res := Optima.Evaluate(PeriodL) As INonLoResults;
// Display results
If (Res.Status = 0) Then
Vars := Optima.Variables;
For j := 0 To Vars.Count - 1 Do
Vrbl := Vars.Item(j);
Debug.WriteLine("Variable: " + Vrbl.Id);
For i := 0 To PeriodL - 1 Do
Val := Res.VarValues(Vrbl.Id)[i];
End For;
End For;
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example a system of non-linear equations is created and calculated. Calculation results are displayed in the console window.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET Example execution match with those in the Fore Example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cp;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
Optima: NonLinearDecomposition;
PeriodL, j, i: Integer;
Vars: INonLDVariables;
Vrbl: INonLDVariable;
RetroX1, ForestX1: Array Of Double;
RetroX2, ForestX2: Array Of Double;
RetroU, ForestU: Array Of Double;
RetroV, ForestV, InitApproximation: Array Of Double;
Funstions: Array Of String;
Res: INonLoResults;
val: Double;
Optima := New NonLinearDecomposition.Create();
// Set calculation period value
PeriodL := 4;
RetroX1 := New Double[PeriodL]; ForestX1 := New Double[PeriodL];
RetroX2 := New Double[PeriodL]; ForestX2 := New Double[PeriodL];
RetroU := New Double[PeriodL]; ForestU := New Double[PeriodL];
RetroV := New Double[PeriodL]; ForestV := New Double[PeriodL];
InitApproximation := New Double[PeriodL];
For i := 0 To PeriodL - 1 Do
RetroX1[i] := -2.1 - i; ForestX1[i] := 1.9 + i;
RetroX2[i] := -2.2 - i; ForestX2[i] := 1.8 + i;
RetroU[i] := -2.3 - i; ForestU[i] := 1.7 + i;
RetroV[i] := -2.4 - i; ForestV[i] := 1.6 + i;
InitApproximation[i] := 0.1;
End For;
// Add the first variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("x1");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroX1;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderRetrospective := "x1[t];x1[t-1]";
Vrbl.Forestall := ForestX1;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderForestall := "x1[t];x1[t+1]";
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitApproximation;
// Add the second variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("x2");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroX2;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderRetrospective := "x2[t];x2[t-1]";
Vrbl.Forestall := ForestX2;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderForestall := "x2[t];x2[t+1]";
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitApproximation;
// Set initial approximations for the first controlling variable
For i := 0 To PeriodL - 1 Do
InitApproximation[i] := 1.5 * (i + 1);
End For;
// Add the first controlling variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("u");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroU;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderRetrospective := "u[t];u[t-1]";
Vrbl.Forestall := ForestU;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderForestall := "u[t];u[t+1]";
Vrbl.ControlVariable := True;
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitApproximation;
// Set initial approximations for the second controlling variable
For i := 0 To PeriodL - 1 Do
InitApproximation[i] := 2 * (i + 1);
End For;
// Add the second controlling variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("v");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroV;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderRetrospective := "v[t];v[t-1]";
Vrbl.Forestall := ForestV;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrderForestall := "v[t];v[t+1]";
Vrbl.ControlVariable := True;
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitApproximation;
// Create a system of non-linear equations
Funstions := New String[2];
Funstions[0] := "0.3 * x1[t-1] + 0.1 * x2[t+1] + u[t-1] * x1[t+1] *x2[t-1]";
Funstions[1] := "-0.2 * x1[t-1] + 0.4 *x2[t+1] + (x1[t+1] * x2[t-1])/(v[t-1]+1)";
Optima.Equations := Funstions;
Optima.NodesCount := 2;
Optima.Extremum := ExtremumType.tetMinimum;
Optima.MaxIteration := 250;
Optima.Tolerance := 0.000001;
Optima.MethodType := NonLinearEquationsType.nletHMethod;
// System calculation
Res := Optima.Evaluate(PeriodL) As INonLoResults;
// Display results
If (Res.Status = 0) Then
Vars := Optima.Variables;
For j := 0 To Vars.Count - 1 Do
Vrbl := Vars.Item[j];
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Variable: " + Vrbl.Id);
For i := 0 To PeriodL - 1 Do
Val := Res.VarValues[Vrbl.Id][i] As double;
End For;
End For;
End If;
End Sub;
See also: