BISearch > BISearch Assembly Interfaces > ISolrImportFieldBindings > ISolrImportFieldBindings.FindByKey
FindByKey(Key: Integer): ISolrImportFieldBinding;
FindByKey(Key: Integer): Prognoz.Platform.Interop.BISearch.ISolrImportFieldBinding;
Key. Parameter key of custom field binding.
The FindByKey method searches for binding parameters by key.
The method returns binding parameters in case of successful search and Null if binding parameters with the specified key do not exist.
Depending on the binding type, cast method execution result to one of the following interfaces to determine additional parameters:
The example of work with the ISolrImportFieldBindings collection is given in description of the ISolrImportAttributeFieldBinding.Dimension, ISolrImportFieldToFieldBinding.SourceField, ISolrImportDocumentExtensionBinding.Element properties.
See also: