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AdoMd > AdoMd Assembly Interfaces > IAdoMdConnection



The IAdoMdConnection interface contains properties and methods used to work with connection created on opening the ADOMD catalog.


The IAdoMdCatalogInstance.Connection property provides the connection parameters.


  Property name Brief description
The Connection property returns connection parameters described by the ISecurityConnection interface.


  Method name Brief description
The method is reserved for the future.
The Cellset method returns analytical data obtained after executing MDX query to server cubes.
The Command method initializes an object that enables the user to work with server with the MDX queries.
The CubeDimensions method returns the cursor, containing system information about specified dimension of the selected cube.
The Cubes method returns the cursor, that contains system information about the cube with specified name.
The Databases method extracts a list of names of all available server databases, with which ADOMD directory is set up to work with.
The DimensionHierarchies method returns the cursor, containing the system information about specified level hierarchy.
The HierarchyLevels method returns cursor, that contains system information about specified dimension hierarchy level.
The HierarchyMembers method returns the cursor, containing the information about the items of the specified dimension hierarchy.

See also:

AdoMd Assembly Interfaces