Adhoc > Adhoc Assembly Interfaces > IAdhocReport > IAdhocReport.Refresh
Refresh(Value: Object);
Value. Data source to be refreshed.
The Refresh method refreshes the specified dashboard data source.
The Value parameter may have the following values:
Null. All dashboard data sources will be refreshed.
Object of the IAdhocDataSourceObject interface. The specified data source will be refreshed.
Object of the IAdhocDataSourceObjects interface. The specified collection of data sources will be refreshed.
The IArrayList dynamic array containing objects of the IAdhocDataSourceObject interface. Array of the specified data sources will be refreshed.
Executing the example requires a form containing the components:
DashboardDocumentViewerBox with the DashboardDocumentViewerBox1 identifier.
UiDashboard with the UiDashboard1 identifier containing loaded dashboard and which is the data source for DasboardDocumentViewerBox1.
Add a link to the Metabase system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
Dashboard: IAdhocReport;
DashboardDS: IAdhocDataSourceObjects;
// Get dashboard
Dashboard := UiDashboard1.Object.Bind As IAdhocReport;
// Get dashboard data sources
DashboardDS := Dashboard.DataSourceObjects;
// Remove the first one from data sources
// Refresh the rest of the sources
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example all dashboard data sources will be refreshed, except the first one.
See also: