Adhoc > Adhoc Assembly Interfaces > IAdhocReport > IAdhocReport.AllowEditData
AllowEditData: Boolean;
The AllowEditData property determines whether data can be edited in the Table visualizer.
Available values:
True. Data can be edited in the Table visualizer. To save edited data, use the IAdhocReport.SaveData method.
False. Data cannot be edited in the Table visualizer.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a dashboard with the DASHBOARD identifier.
Add links to the Adhoc, Metabase system assemblies.
Sub SubAllowEditData;
mb: IMetabase;
DashboardObj: IMetabaseObject;
Dashboard: IAdhocReport;
mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Get dashboard
DashboardObj := mb.ItemById("DASHBOARD").Edit;
Dashboard := DashboardObj As IAdhocReport;
// If data cannot be edited, enable data editing
If Not Dashboard.AllowEditData Then
Dashboard.AllowEditData := True;
End If;
// Save changes
End Sub SubAllowEditData;
After executing the example data editing is enabled in the dashboard in the Table visualizer.
See also: