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System > System Assembly Interfaces > IUndoRedo


Assembly: System;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;


The IUndoRedo interface is used to work with Undo/Redo stack.


The Undo/Redo stack is used to work with various repository objects. To get access to Undo/Redo stack parameters, use one of the following properties:


  Property name Brief description
The Enabled property determines whether the Undo/Redo stack is available for the user.
The Limit property determines the maximum number of operations that can be stored in Undo/Redo stack.
The RedoCount property returns the number of operations stored in Redo stack.
The RedoState property returns state of the operation stored in Redo stack passed by the Index parameter.
The UndoCount property returns the number of operations stored in the Undo stack.
The UndoState property returns state of the operation stored in Undo stack passed by the Index parameter.


  Method name Brief description
The Flush method clears Undo/Redo stack.
The Redo method repeats the specified number of undone operations.
The Undo method cancels the specified number of completed actions.

See also:

System Assembly Interfaces