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System > System Assembly Interfaces > IBindingFloatEdit


Assembly: System;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;


The IBindingFloatEdit interface contains properties to determine parameters of the value editor Real value input box.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
The CorrectOnExit property determines whether the unavailable value in the editor is replaced with the nearest available on component focus loss.
The CorrectOnExitDefined property determines whether the CORRECTONEXIT parameter is present in binding string.
The MaxValue property determines value of the MAXVAL parameter in binding string.
The MaxValueDefined property determines whether the MAXVAL parameter is present in binding string.
The MinValue property determines value of the MINVAL parameter in binding string.
The MinValueDefined property determines whether the MINVAL parameter is present in binding string.
The Precision property determines value of the PRECISION parameter in binding string.
The PrecisionDefined property determines whether the PRECISION parameter is present in binding string.
The Step_ property determines value of the STEP parameter in binding string.
The StepDefined property determines whether the STEP parameter is present in binding string.
The Value property determines values of the VALUE parameter in binding string.
The ValueDefined property determines whether the VALUE parameter is present in binding string.

Properties inherited from IBindingValue

  Property name Brief description
AsString The AsString property determines value editor parameters as a binding string.
Mandatory The Mandatory property manages the ALLOWEMPTY parameter value in a binding string.
MandatoryDefined The MandatoryDefined property determines whether the ALLOWEMPTY parameter is present in a binding string.
ReadOnly The ReadOnly property determines the READONLY parameter value in a binding string.
ReadOnlyDefined The ReadOnlyDefined property determines whether the READONLY parameter is present in a binding string.
UI The UI property returns type of value editor.

See also:

System Assembly Interfaces