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System > System Assembly Interfaces > IBindingEditBox > IBindingEditBox.MultiLine


Fore Syntax

MultiLine: Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

MultiLine: Boolean;


The MultiLine property determines value of the MULTILINE parameter in binding string.


The MULTILINE parameter indicates whether the text is arranged in several lines. If the parameter is set to True, the editor can be used to arrange the text in several lines.

The MultiLine property is available if the MultiLineDefined property is set to True. If the MultiLine property is changed, the MultiLineDefined property is automatically set to True.

Fore Example

Function CreateEditBoxBidning(Text: String): String;
    BM: IBindingManager;
    EditBoxBinding: IBindingEditBox;
    BM := New BindingManager.Create;
    EditBoxBinding := BM.CreateByUi("EditBox"As IBindingEditBox;
    EditBoxBinding.Mandatory := True;
    EditBoxBinding.MaxLength := 30;
    EditBoxBinding.MultiLine := True;
    EditBoxBinding.ReadOnly := False;
    EditBoxBinding.Value := Text;
    Return EditBoxBinding.AsString;
End Function CreateEditBoxBidning;

This function generates binding string to use string value editor. The editor can be used to arrange the text in several lines, maximum length of the text is 30 characters. The default editor text is passed by the Text input parameter.

Fore.NET Example

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;

Function CreateEditBoxBidning(Text: String): String;
    BM: BindingManager = New BindingManagerClass();
    EditBoxBinding: IBindingEditBox;
    EditBoxBinding := BM.CreateByUi("EditBox"As IBindingEditBox;
    EditBoxBinding.Mandatory := True;
    EditBoxBinding.MaxLength := 30;
    EditBoxBinding.MultiLine := True;
    EditBoxBinding.@ReadOnly := False;
    EditBoxBinding.Value := Text;
    Return EditBoxBinding.AsString;
End Function;

This function generates binding string to use string value editor. The editor can be used to arrange the text in several lines, maximum length of the text is 30 characters. The default editor text is passed by the Text input parameter.

See also:
