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Working with Trees > Components > DynamicTreeList > Example of Creating the DynamicTreeList Component

Example of Creating the DynamicTreeList Component

To execute the example, in the HEAD tag add links to component library PP.js and visual style tables PP.css. Add the DIV item with the "container" identifier in the BODY tag.

Connect the script that generates random nodes:

<script src="genJsonDyn.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

genJsonDyn.js script

Add the following code to the <script> tag:

// New node get function
    function onDataRequest(sender, args) {
        var nodes = {};
        var node;
        if (args.Partial)
            for (var i = 0; i < args.Request.length; i++) {
                node = genNode(args.Request[i].Parent, args.Request[i].Index, count);
                nodes[node['k']] = node;
        else {
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                node = genNode(args.Parent, i, count);
                nodes[node['k']] = node;
        PP.setTimeout(function () {  // Simulate server response delay
            sender.loadNodes(nodes); // Load nodes
        }, 400);
    var count = 50; // Number of created nodes
    var json = []; 
        'k': '',
        '@hc': true,
        '@cc': count
// Create a component
     var t, treelist;
    t = treelist = new PP.Ui.DynamicTreeList({
        ParentNode: 'container',
        DataObject: json,
        DataMappers: {
            Key: 'k',
            Index: 'i',
            Parent: 'p',
            Content: new PP.PropertyMapper({
                Getter: function (item) { return },
                Setter: function (item, value) { = value; },
                Context: null
            Selected: 's',
            FixedSelected: '@fs',
            Expanded: 'e',
            ChildrenCount: '@cc'
        Width: 700,
        Height: 550,
        ShowCheckBoxes: true,
        EnableSort: true,
        ShowCaptions: true,
        ShowTree: true,
            Content: 'first',
            Width: '36%'
            Content: 'second',
            Width: '11%'
            Content: 'third',
            Width: '53%'
        DataRequest: onDataRequest

After executing the example the DynamicTreeList component is created. On opening the node new nodes are requested and dynamically added to tree.

See also:
