Working with Trees > Classes > TreeSizePanel > TreeSizePanel.getContentPanel
The getContentPanel method returns element that houses contents of the size control panel.
This method returns an object of the PP.Ui.GridPanel.
To execute the example the HTML page must contain the TreeMap component named «treeMap» and the component TreeMapMaster named «treeMapMaster» (see «Example of the TreeMapMaster and TreeMap Component Layout» ). Get size panel, expand it, get the element that stores panel contents and show its ID. Get panel wizard and show its ID:
// Get size control panel var sizePanel = treeMapMaster.getSizePanel(); // Expand the panel sizePanel.expand(); // Get size control panel contents var contentPanel = sizePanel.getContentPanel(); // Show identifier console.log("Panel identifier: " + contentPanel.getId()); // Get panel wizard var master = sizePanel.getTreeMaster(); // Show wizard identifier console.log("Master identifier: " + master.getId());
After executing the example the browser console shows ID of the element that stores panel contents and ID of the panel wizard:
Panel ID: GridPanel5387
Wizard ID: TreeMapMaster499
See also: