Working with Trees > Classes > TreeListView > TreeListView.NodeDragEnd
NodeDragEnd: function(sender, args);
sender. Event source.
args. Event information:
Action. String. Determines node insert method. For example, "InsertBefore" - node is inserted before the other one.
Cancel. Boolean. Operation cancel checkbox. Of event handler is set to true, the operation is cancelled.
Canceled. Boolean. Indicates whether operation is cancelled.
Event. Object. Information about mouse drag.
Nodes. Array of String. Array of keys of dragged nodes.
Index. Number. New node number.
ParentNode. String. Key of the node, to which node is dragged.
StartTree. PP.Ui.SimpleTreeList. The tree, from which node is dragged.
The NodeDragEnd event occurs before ending of node drag.
The event use is given in description of the TreeListView.NodeDrag property.
See also: