Working with Trees > Classes > TreeColumn > TreeColumn.FormatMethod
FormatMethod: Function
The FormatMethod property sets function intended for column elements formatting.
Use JSON or the setFormatMethod method to set the property value and the getFormatMethod method to get the property value.
Executing the example requires links to the PP.js scenario file and the PP.css styles file in the <body> tag of HTML page of the <div> element with the «treeList» identifier. It is required to determine calling of the createTreeList() function in the onload event of the <body> tag. Create hierarchical tree:
function createTreeList() { column = new PP.Ui.TreeColumn({ // Set formatting method for column contents FormatMethod: function (value) { return value + "!" }, // Set that column is editable Editable: true, // Set that column could be hidden Hideable: true, // Set that column is active IsEnabled: true, // Set column contents type Type: PP.Ui.TreeColumnType.string, Caption: "Country", Width: 200, MinWidth: 50, Visible: true, }); treeList = new PP.Ui.TreeList({ // Set parent element ParentNode: document.getElementById('treeList'), // Set column headers displaying CaptionVisible: true, // Enable node checkbox displaying CheckBoxes: true, // Set column width resizing EnableResizeColumn: true, // Set column displaying ShowColumns: true, // Set that menu icon is visible to edit column visibility EnableColumnsMenu: true, // Set component sizes Height: 125, Width: 400, // Columns Columns: [ column, { Caption: "Population, total", Width: 100, MinWidth: 50, Visible: true }, { Caption: "GDP, PPP", Width: 100, MinWidth: 50, Visible: false }, { Caption: "GPD per capita, PPP", Width: 100, MinWidth: 10, Visible: false } ], // Nodes: Nodes: [{ Text: "World", Columns: ["", "", ""], ImageIndex: 1, Selected: false, CanSelect: true, Value: "TestValue", Expanded: false, Checked: true, Nodes: [{ Text: "Africa", Columns: [], Selected: false, CanSelect: true, Value: "TestValue", Expanded: true, Checked: false, Nodes: [{ Text: "South Africa", Columns: ["460297895012,55", "9332,86", "49320150,00"], ImageUrl: null, ImageIndex: 0, Selected: false, CanSelect: true, Value: "TestValue", Expanded: true, Checked: false }, { Text: "Egypt", Columns: ["427532757687,93", "5151,03", "82999393,00"], ImageUrl: null, ImageIndex: 1, Selected: false, CanSelect: true, Value: "TestValue", Expanded: true, Checked: false }, { Text: "Algeria", Columns: ["258963578613,94", "7421,12", "34895470,00"], ImageUrl: null, ImageIndex: 2, Selected: false, CanSelect: true, Value: "TestValue", Expanded: true, Checked: false }] }] }], }); // Open all tree nodes column.getOwner().expandAll(); }
As the result, hierarchical tree is created where all column elements named «Country» have the «!» character in the name:
See also: