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Working with Trees > Classes > TreeList


Namespace: PP.Ui ;

Inheritance hierarchy





The TreeList class implements the TreeList component that is used to show hierarchical trees, for example, object inheritance tree.


PP.initClass(PP.Ui.TreeList, PP.Ui.Control, "TreeList");


  Constructor name Brief description
TreeList The TreeList constructor creates an instance of the TreeList component.


  Property name Brief description
ActiveColor The ActiveColor property determines color of active tree node.
ActiveFont The ActiveFont property determines font parameters of active tree node.
ActiveParentColor The ActiveParentColor property determines selection color for parent nodes of the active tree element.
AreaSelect The AreaSelect property determines whether tree area can be selected with the mouse.
CaptionVisible The CaptionVisible property determines whether header row is displayed.
CheckBoxes The CheckBoxes property determines whether checkboxes are displayed for component nodes.
ChildrenCount The ChildrenCount property contains the number of nodes in the root branch.
Columns The Columns property sets collection of columns for the component.
ContentColor The ContentColor property determines background color for tree node contents.
ContentFont The ContentFont property determines font parameters of tree nodes.
CutOverflow The CutOverflow property determines whether to show an ellipsis instead of the text that overflows the box.
DblClickExpand The DblClickExpand property determines whether a tree node expands when the user double-clicks on it.
DragAndDropDelay The DragAndDropDelay property determines how long the user must hold mouse cursor over a node while holding down mouse button to activate the Drag&Drop mode.
DragAndDropDetectDistance The DragAndDropDetectDistance property determines the distance, after which the Drag&Drop mode is enabled.
DragAndDropMode The DragAndDropMode property sets the Drag&Drop mode.
EmptySelection The EmptySelection property determines whether all tree nodes can be deselected.
EnableColumnsMenu The EnableColumnsMenu property determines whether menu icon is visible in the tree header and the option to call a menu managing column visibility.
EnableDragAndDrop The EnableDragAndDrop property determines whether nodes can be moved using the Drag&Drop method.
EnableEdit The EnableEdit property determines whether values in table cells can be edited.
EnableHighlight The EnableHighlight property determines whether tree elements highlighting is available.
EnableKeyNavigation The EnableKeyNavigation property determines whether the user can navigate the list using the keyboard.
EnableResizeColumn The EnableResizeColumn property determines whether column width can be changed.
EnableSearch The EnableSearch property determines whether tree elements can be searched.
EnableSelectedHighlight The EnableSelectedHighlight property determines whether selected tree nodes can be highlighted.
EnableSortColumns The EnableSortColumns property determines whether column values can be sorted.
FilterCaseSensitive The FilterCaseSensitive property determines whether filtering is case-sensitive.
FilterDeSelect The FilterDeSelect property determines whether selection of nodes is reset on filtering.
FirstShiftSelectClearing The FirstShiftSelectClearing property sets the mode, at which each mouse click on the node with the held down SHIFT key deselects all nodes except for the pressed one.
HighlightColor The HighlightColor property sets a color of tree element highlighting.
HighlightFont The HighlightFont property sets font for a highlighted tree node.
HoverColor The HoverColor property determines a color of the tree node, to which the cursor is pointed.
HoverFont The HoverFont property determines font parameters of the tree node, to which the cursor is pointed.
IgnoreRightPadding The IgnoreRightPadding property determines whether the right padding is ignored.
ImageList The ImageList property sets the ImageList non-visual component.
IsCSMultiSelect The IsCSMultiSelect property determines whether it is possible to select multiple objects using the SHIFT and CTRL keys.
KeepHasChild The KeepHasChild property determines changing of displaying a hierarchical tree and changing the HasChild property for nodes when the Drag&Drop mode is active.
LoadingTimeout The LoadingTimeout property determines the time interval, in which the tree is loaded.
MultiSelect The MultiSelect property determines whether multiple elements can be selected.
Nodes The Nodes property sets a collection of nodes.
RightButtonSelect The RightButtonSelect property determines whether a node can be selected on clicking the right mouse button.
RowSelect The RowSelect property determines whether the row is highlighted when a row element is selected.
SearchColor The SearchColor property determines color of text to search.
SearchFont The SearchFont property determines font parameters of text to search.
SelectedHighlightColor The SelectedHighlightColor property determines a color for highlighting of the selected tree nodes.
SelectedHighlightFont The SelectedHighlightFont property determines font of a highlighted selected tree node.
SelectEditorText The SelectEditorText property determines whether edited text should be selected.
ShowColumns The ShowColumns property determines whether columns are displayed.
ShowGridLines The ShowGridLines property determines whether table gridlines are displayed.
ShowLines The ShowLines property determines whether lines that link a node and its children are displayed.
ShowToolTips The ShowToolTips property determines whether tooltips are displayed on hovering the cursor on a tree node.
SortSequence The SortSequence property sets sorting change order.
UseCtrlSelect The UseCtrlSelect property determines whether multiple nodes can be selected while holding down the CTRL key.
UseShiftSelect The UseShiftSelect property determines whether it is possible to select multiple neighbor nodes while holding down the SHIFT key.
WordWrap The WordWrap property determines whether node text is wrapped.


  Method name Brief description
beginUpdate The beginUpdate method disables rerendering of tree until the endUpdate method is called.
checkSelection The checkSelection method deselects all tree nodes except for the last selected one.
clearSelection The clearSelection method deselects all tree nodes.
collapseAll The collapseAll method collapses all tree nodes.
deleteNode The deleteNode method deletes a hierarchical tree node.
deSelectAll The deSelectAll method deselects selected elements.
deSelectLevel The deSelectLevel method deselects elements of the specified level.
endUpdate The endUpdate method refreshes a tree and starts rerendering.
expandAll The expandAll method expands all tree nodes.
expandToKeyNode The expandToKeyNode method finds a node with the specified key in the tree and expands the tree at node's level.
expandToNode The expandToNode method expands all nodes down to the specified one.
filter The filter method filters nodes in a hierarchical tree.
find The find method searches for a tree element.
findText The findText method returns the tree node, which value fully matches the passed value.
getAllCollapsedKeys The getAllCollapsedKeys method returns the array of keys that belong to all collapsed tree nodes and nodes without children.
getAllExpandedKeys The getAllExpandedKeys method returns an array of keys that belong to all expanded tree nodes.
getAllNodes The getAllNodes method returns a one-dimensional array that contains all tree nodes and their current sorting order.
getAllSelectedKeys The getAllSelectedKeys method returns an array of keys that belong to all selected tree nodes.
getCaptionHeight The getCaptionHeight method returns height of column headers.
getFirstVisibleIndex The getFirstVisibleIndex method returns index of the first visible tree node.
getFocusedNode The getFocusedNode method returns focused node.
getFullTreeHeight The getFullTreeHeight method returns tree height.
getHasSecondLevel The getHasSecondLevel method determines whether a tree has child nodes.
getHorizontalScroll The getHorizontalScroll method returns horizontal scrollbar.
getLastFound The getLastFound method returns the last found node.
getLastSearch The getLastSearch method returns the last searched string.
getMaximalWidthForColumn The getMaximalWidthForColumn method returns maximum width of contents stored in visible rows of a column.
getMaximalWidthForColumnFull The getMaximalWidthForColumnFull method returns maximum width of contents stored in all rows of a column.
getNodeByIndex The getNodeByIndex method returns tree node by its index.
getNodeByKey The getNodeByKey method returns a first level node by its key.
getNodeLevel The getNodeLevel method determines the level that contains the specified node.
getNodes The getNodes method returns an object of the PP.Ui.TreeNodes class that contains hierarchical tree nodes.
getOptimalWidthForColumn The getOptimalWidthForColumn method returns optimum column width.
getPixelHeight The getPixelHeight method returns height value (in pixels) for a tree component.
getPixelWidth The getPixelWidth method returns width value (in pixels) for a tree component.
getRootNode The getRootNode method returns an object associated with the tree root.
getSelectedNodes The getSelectedNodes method returns selected nodes.
getSelectedNodesCount The getSelectedNodesCount method returns the number of selected tree nodes.
getSort The getSort method returns an object that contains sorting parameters.
getSortColumn The getSortColumn method returns number of the column, which data is sorted.
getSortMethod The getSortMethod method returns a sorting method.
getSortProperty The getSortProperty method returns name of the node property, by which sorting is executed.
getSortRecursive The getSortRecursive property determines whether data in child nodes is also sorted.
getTopMargin The getTopMargin method returns margin for the topmost node.
getTopShift The getTopShift method returns offset of the topmost node.
getVerticalScroll The getVerticalScroll method returns vertical scrollbar.
getVisibleNodes The getVisibleNodes method returns a one-dimensional array that contains currently visible tree nodes.
getVisibleNodesCount The getVisibleNodesCount method returns the number of currently displayed tree nodes.
highlight The highlight method highlights the specified text in tree node labels.
isDraging The IsDraging method determines whether dragging is enabled.
isEditing The IsEditing method determines whether editing is enabled.
isSelecting The IsSelecting method determines whether selecting is enabled.
redraw The redraw method fully rerenders hierarchical tree.
removeFocus The removeFocus method removes focus from a node.
removeHover The removeHover method disables effects of the node that appear on hovering the cursor on it.
scrollToNode The scrollToNode method scrolls the tree down to the specified node.
selectAll The selectAll method selects all tree nodes.
selectLevel The selectLevel method selects all nodes of the specified level.
setExpandedByKeys The setExpandedByKeys method expands nodes by their keys specified in the keys array.
setExpandedForNode The setExpandedForNode method expands or collapses the node depending on the passed value.
setHoveredNode The setHoveredNode method sets the node that is displayed as if hovered.
setSelectedByKeys The setSelectedByKeys method sets selection for all tree nodes with the specified keys.
showSearch The showSearch method opens the search field.
sort The sort method sorts tree elements by column.
startEditing The startEditing method activates edit mode for the selected node.
update The update method refreshes displayed tree.


   Event name Brief description
BeforeCollapse The BeforeCollapse event occurs before collapsing a tree node.
BeforeExpand The BeforeExpand event occurs before expanding a tree node.
CheckBoxClick The CheckBoxClick event occurs on clicking the checkbox.
CheckedChanged The CheckedChanged event occurs on selecting or deselecting the checkbox.
Collapse The Collapse event occurs on collapsing tree nodes.
ColumnVisibilityChanged The ColumnVisibilityChanged event occurs after changing visibility of a tree column.

The ColumnVisibilityChanging event occurs on changing visibility of a tree column.

Expand The Expand event occurs on expanding nodes.
FilterChanged The FilterChanged event occurs after filtering hierarchical tree nodes.
Finding The Find event occurs when element search is started.
Found The Found event occurs when a tree element is found.
LoadSubNodesOf The LoadSubNodesOf event occurs on loading the node to the tree.
MouseDownNode The MouseDownNode event occurs on clicking and holding the mouse down over component node.
NodeClick The NodeClick event occurs on clicking a list element.
NodeDblClick The NodeDblClick event occurs on double-click on a list element.
NodeDrag The NodeDrag event occurs during dragging of a node.
NodeDragEnd The NodeDragEnd event occurs when the user finishes dragging the node.
NodeDragFinished The NodeDragFinished event occurs after node is placed to a new position.
NodeDragStart The NodeDragStart event occurs when the user starts dragging a node (when the user presses and holds down the mouse button).
NodeEditCanceled The NodeEditCanceled event occurs when the user cancels editing.
NodeEdited The NodeEdited event occurs after editing a node name.
NodeEditFinish The NodeEditFinish event occurs after finishing editing of hierarchical tree node.
NodeEditing The NodeEditing event occurs in the process of editing a value in a table cell.
NodeHovered The NodeHovered event occurs on hovering over a node.
NodeUnHovered The NodeUnHovered event occurs after a tree node is unhovered with the mouse.
SelectionChanged The SelectionChanged event occurs after the element is selected.
SelectionChanging The SelectionChanging event occurs when an element is being selected.
Sort The Sort event occurs on sorting a collection of tree nodes.
SortChanged The SortChanged event occurs after finishing editing of hierarchical tree column sorting.
SortChanging The SortChanging event occurs on changing of hierarchical tree column sorting.
ToolTipShowing The ToolTipShowing event occurs when the cursor hovers on the hierarchical tree node.

Properties inherited from the class Control

  Property name Brief description
Anchors The Anchors property determines position of the component placed within container.
Animation The Animation property sets animation parameters for component.
Bottom The Bottom property sets bottom offset on placing the component within the LayoutPanel.
Content The Content property sets the component contents.
ContextMenu The ContextMenu property sets the context menu for the component.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
DataContext The DataContext property contains an object with data.
Enabled The Enabled property sets whether the component is enabled.
Height The Height property determines the component height.
IsResizable The IsResizable property determines whether the component can be resized.
IsRTL The lsRTL property sets right to left text direction.
IsVisible The IsVisible property determines whether the component is displayed.
Left The Left property sets left offset on placing the component within the GridPanel.
Offset The Offset property determines coordinates of root DOM node of a control.
Opacity The Opacity property determines component transparency.
Parent The Parent property determines a parent component of a control.
ParentNode The ParentNode property sets parent DOM node.
ResourceKey The ResourceKey property sets the resource key for the component.
Right The Right property sets right offset on placing the component within the LayoutPanel.
Rotate The Rotate property sets component rotation angle.
ShowToolTip The ShowToolTip property determines whether the tooltip of the component can be displayed.
Style The Style property sets component style.
TabIndex The TabIndex property sets the order of the control element passing inside the container.
Tag The Tag property sets JSON object associated with the component.
ToolTip The ToolTip property determines text of component tooltip.
Top The Top property sets top offset on placing the component within the GridPanel.
Value The Value property sets the value to the component.
Width The Width property sets the component width.

Methods inherited from the class Control

  Method name Brief description
The addClass method adds a CSS class to the component.
addEvent The addEvent method adds an event handler to a DOM node.
addEventHandler The addEventHandler method adds an event handler to a DOM node.
addEvents The addEvents method adds an array of event handlers to a DOM node.
The addStateClass method adds a CSS class to the component and removes the previous CSS class.
addStyleBySelector The addStyleBySelector method creates a block that contains a style with the specified CSS selector.
The addToNode method adds a component to the specified node.
bindEvents The bindEvents method subscribes an element to all available events.
The clearStylesCache method clears cache of component styles.
The getAnchorFlags method returns JSON object that contains settings of the current component's position.
The getClass method returns the current CSS classes of the component.
The getCssStyle method returns style for the specified node.
The getDomNode method returns main DOM node of the component.
The getFocused method determines whether the component is focused.
getFunctionByName The getFunctionByName method returns function by name.
getIsBinded The getIsBinded method returns whether an element is subscribed to all DOM node events.
The hasClass method determines whether the specified CSS class is set for root DOM node of the control.
The hide method hides a control.
The hideToolTip method clears tooltip timeout and hides the tooltip if it is displayed.
The isResingNow method determines whether the component is being resized.
refreshBindingProperty The refreshBindingProperty method refreshes the bound property by name.
refreshItemsStyle The refreshItemsStyle method refreshes CSS styles of child elements.
refreshStyle The refreshStyle method refreshes element CSS styles.
The removeClass method removes CSS class from the component.
The removeEvent method removes event handler from DOM node.
removeEventHandler The removeEventHandler method removes event handler from DOM node.
removeFromDOM The removeFromDOM method removes node from the DOM structure.
The removeStateClasses method removes CSS classes of the component.
The setDraggable method determines whether it is possible to drag component on the HTML page.
The setFocus method sets the component focus.
The setIsHovered method displays the component as on hover.
The setIsPressed method displays the component as if clicked upon.
The setOpacityIE8 method sets component transparency value in Internet Explorer 8.
The setSize method establishes the sizes of the component.
The show method displays a control.
unBindEvents The unBindEvents method unsubscribes an element from all standard events.
The updatePosition method updates size and position when absolute positioning based on the current parameters is used.
The updateSize method updates the component size on changing the size of the container that contains the component.

Events inherited from the class Control

  Event name Brief description
Drag The Drag event occurs on clicking and holding the left mouse button.
DragEnd The DragEnd event occurs when dragging the component finishes.
DragStart The DragStart event occurs when dragging the component starts.
OnContextMenu The OnContextMenu event occurs on calling context menu of the component.
SizeChanged The SizeChanged event occurs after the component is resized.
SizeChanging The SizeChanging event occurs during component resize.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

See also: