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Working with Trees > Classes > TreeChartMaster > TreeChartMaster.DataView



DataView: Object


The DataView property determines wizard data source.


Use JSON or the setCaption method to set the property value, and the getCaption method to get the property value. The setCaption method has the following parameters: value - data source view, clearOld - indication that determines whether to clear views added before. By default it is set to true.


To execute the example the HTML page must contain the TreeMap component named treeMap and the component TreeMapMaster named «treeMapMaster» (see «Example of the TreeMapMaster and TreeMap Component Layout» ). Process the PropertyChanged event, set a new object that represents a data source of the wizard with changed opacity value, show IDs of color, legend and size panels:

// Process the PropertyChanged event
treeMapMaster.PropertyChanged.add(function (sender, args, timeout) {
    console.log("The PropertyChanged event is initiated")
// Get the object representing a data source of the wizard
var dataView = treeMapMaster.getDataView();
// Change the opacity value of obtained object
// Set a new object that represents a data source of the wizard
treeMapMaster.setDataView(dataView, true);
// Fire the event;
// Get the color panel
var colorPanel = treeMapMaster.getColorPanel();
// Show panel ID
console.log("Color panel ID: " + colorPanel.getId());
// Get the legend panel
var legendPanel = treeMapMaster.getLegendPanel();
// Show panel ID
console.log("Legend panel ID: " + legendPanel.getId());
// Get size panel
var sizePanel = treeMapMaster.getSizePanel();
// Show panel ID
console.log("Size panel ID: " + sizePanel.getId());

After executing the example opacity of the object that represents the wizard data source is changed:

The browser console shows a message informing that processed event has been fired, and also IDs for color panel, legend panel and size panel:

PropertyChanged event initialized

Color panel ID: TreeColorPanel762

Legend panel ID: TreeLegendPanel632

Size panel ID: TreeSizePanel892

See also:
