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Working with General Visual Components > Classes > ProgressBar > ProgressBar.ValueChanged



ValueChanged: function (sender,args)


sender. Event source.

args. Event information.


The ValueChanged event occurs when a component value changes.


To execute the example, in the HEAD tag add links to PP.js component library and to PP.css visual styles. In the BODY tag add the following items:

<div id="example">
<div id="value">
<br />
Set Value to:
<div id="valuer">
<br />
Set Value Animated to:
<div id="animValuer">
<div id="button">
<div id="Minvalue" style="display: none; color: Blue;">
Minimal Value Is Reached</div>
<div id="Maxvalue" style="display: none; color: Red;">
Maximal Value Is Reached</div>

In the SCRIPT tag add the following code:

	//The ProgressBar component
	var PB = new PP.Ui.ProgressBar(
	    ParentNode: document.getElementById("example"),
	    Width: 200,
	    //start value of component
	    Value: 20,
	    //component value change event
	    ValueChanged: function ()
	        //on changing value of the component for DOM node with the "value" identifier the following contents is set: "Value: <current value>"
	        document.getElementById("value").innerHTML = "Value: " + this.getValue();
	        //contents of DOM nodes with the Minvalue and Maxvalue identifiers
	        document.getElementById("Minvalue").style.display = "none";
	        document.getElementById("Maxvalue").style.display = "none";
	    //when the maximum value is reached (100), contents of DOM node with the Maxvalue identifier is displayed 
	    MaxValueReached: function ()
	        document.getElementById("Maxvalue").style.display = "block"
	    //when the minimum value is reached (0), contents of DOM nod with the Minvalue identifier is displayed 
	    MinValueReached: function ()
	        document.getElementById("Minvalue").style.display = "block"
	//numeric editor for setting component value
	var valueMeter = new PP.Ui.NumberEdit(
	    ParentNode: document.getElementById("valuer"),
                Width: 100,    Value: 20,    MinValue: 0,    MaxValue: 1000,    AfterChange: function ()    {        PB.setValue(this.getValue());    } }); //numeric editor for setting the value, moving to which is done by means of animation var animValuer = new PP.Ui.NumberEdit( {    ParentNode: document.getElementById("animValuer"),                 Width: 100,
   Value: 20,    MinValue: 0,    MaxValue: 1000 }); //button for animated value change var but = new PP.Ui.Button( {    ParentNode: document.getElementById("button"),    Click: function ()    {        PB.setValueAnimated(animValuer.getValue());        valueMeter.setValue(animValuer.getValue())    },    Content: "Animate To" });

After executing the example the following items are placed in the page:

Changing the value in the Set Value to value editor: changes length of the orange bar that represents the ProgressBar component, and the value in the Value: box is also changed.

On setting a value in the Set Value Animated to value editor: and clicking the Animate To button, the ProgressBar value changes with animation, and the current value is set to the value editor Set Value to: and in the Value: box.

The following line appears if the value 100 is set for the ProgressBar component:

Maximal Value Is Reached

The following line appears if the value 0 is set for the ProgressBar component:

Minimal Value Is Reached

See also:
