Working with General Visual Components > Classes > MonthCalendar > MonthCalendar.getCurrentDay
The getCurrentDay method returns the day value.
To execute the example, add links to the PP.js library and to the PP.css visual styles table. Create the DateTimeEdit component, values of which are the current date and time.
MC = new PP.Ui.MonthCalendar({//Create an instance of the DateTimeEdit component.
ParentNode: document.getElementById("DTE1"),
Width: 150,})
console.log(Day: + MC.getCurrentDay() +//The current value of the day returns;
", " + week + MC.getCurrentWeek() +//the current value of the week;
", " + month: + MC.getCurrentMonth() +//the current value of the month;
", " + quarter: + MC.getCurrentQuarter() +//the current value of the quarter;
", " + half year: + MC.getCurrentHalfYear() +//the current value of the half year;
", " + year: + MC.getCurrentYear() +//the current value of the year;
", " + hour: + MC.getCurrentHour() +//the current value of the hour;
", " + minute: + MC.getCurrentMinute())//the current value of the minute.
After executing the example the values of the current time and date are displayed to the browser web console:
Day: 30, week: 34, month: 7, quarter: 2, half year: 1, year: 2011, hour: 9, minute: 55
NOTE. The month value is set in the range from null to eleven.
See also: