Working with General Visual Components > Classes > DataVisualizer > DataVisualizer.loadData
loadData(data: Object);
data. Loaded data.
The loadData method uploads specified data to chart.
The parameter is the data shown as the following JSON object: {<data source ID>: <data source settings object>}.
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the BubbleChart component named bubbleChart (see Example of Creating the BubbleChart Component). Specify new data for the series with the index 1:
// Specify new data for the series with the index 1 var dataSource = { "ds0": { "LoadedIndexes": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "Series": { "Serie1_Point0": { // Data on the X axis "DimX": { "Items": ["150000", "160000", "170000", "180000", "190000", "200000", "NULL"] }, // Data on the Y axis "DimY": { "Items": ["10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16"] }, // Dta displaying on the bubbles size of the bubble chart "DimR": { "Items": ["50000", "51000", "52000", "53000", "54000", "55000", "56000"] }, // Data displaying to the bubbles color of the bubble chart "DimCol": { "Items": ["12000", "12500", "13500", "14000", "14500", "15000", "15500"] } } } } } // Load additional data bubbleChart.loadData(dataSource); // Re-render the bubble chart bubbleChart.draw()
As a result of example executing, new data is specified for the series with index 1, and the bubble chart appearance has been changed:
See also: