Working with General Visual Components > Classes > Combo > Combo.getTextBox
The getTextBox method returns text box of the entry editor.
Returned value is an object of the PP.Ui.TextBox class.
To execute the example, the <head> tag of the HTML page must contain links to PP.js script files and to PP.css styles files, in the <body> tag of the HTML page of the <div> item with the combo identifier and the example must be placed in the <script> tag. In the onload event of the <body> tag it is necessary to specify the call of the createCombo() function. Add input editor with a drop-down panel to the page and implement the ValueChanged event handler:
var combo; function createCombo() { // Create input editor with a drop-down panel combo = new PP.Ui.Combo({ // Set paren item ParentNode: document.getElementById("combo"), // Set width Width: 100, // Set attribute of editors creation NoCreateEditors: false, /* Set the attribute that the tooltip is visible on hovering the mouse over the button of the drop-down panel opening */ IsHint: true, /* Set an attribute of the drop-down panel opening on clicking the header */ OpenOnContentClick: true, /* Set an attribute of the drop-down panel opening on clicking the component icon */ OpenOnIconClick: true, /* Set an attribute of the drop-down panel closing on the component contents clicking */ CloseOnContentClick: true, // Set icon to the left of the component IconPosition: PP.LTRB.Left, /* Set the attribute that the drop-down width ignores input editor width */ IsDropHasCombosWidth: false, // Set an icon of the input editor IconUrl: "../build/img/app/icons16x16.png", // Handle the event of icon clicking in the input editor IconClick: function(sender, args) { console.log("Icon is clicked in the input editor"); }, // Handle the event of value change in the input editor ValueChanged: function(sender, args) { console.log("Value is changed in the input editor"); }, }); // Put the text in the drop-down panel var panel = combo.getDropPanel(); panel.setContent("Text"); // Set width of the drop-down panel panel.setWidth(200); }
Click the input editor with a left mouse button. The OpenOnContentClick property is set to True, then drop-down panel opens. The drop-down panel is wider than input editor because the IsDropHasCombosWidth property is set to False:
Get sizes of the icon put in the input editor:
// Get sizes of the icon put in the input editor console.log("Icon height: " + combo.getIconHeight()); console.log("Icon width: " + combo.getIconWidth());
As a result the following is displayed in the console:
Icon height: 16
Icon width: 16
Set value in the text box of the input editor and determine whether it is possible edit the contents of the input editor:
// Set text in the input editor combo.getTextBox().setContent("Value"); //Determine whether it is possible to edit the text box of the input editor combo.setEnableEdit(true);
Click with the mouse button on the input editor icon. The OpenOnIconClick and CloseOnContentClick properties are set to True, that is why the drop-down panel closes:
The following message is displayed in the console:
Icon in the input editor is clicked
Double click with mouse button on the input editor and change the Value 1 contents. As a result, the following message is displayed in the console:
Value is changed in the input editor
Set characters available to input in the text box of the input editor and highlighting of invalid input:
// Clear the input editor combo.setContent(""); // Set characters available to input in the text box of the input editor var textBox = combo.getTextBox(); textBox.setAllowedSymbols(['1', '2', '3', '4']); // Set highlighting of invalid input combo.applyNotValidCSS();
Print the 12345 text in the input editor. As a result, in the text box of the input editor there is highlighting of invalid input and there is the following text: 1234:
Set highlighting of the valid input:
// Clear the input editor combo.setContent(""); // Set highlighting of valid input combo.applyValidCSS();
Print the 12345 text in the input editor. As a result, in the text box of the input editor there is a highlighting of valid input and there is the following text: 1234:
Hover the mouse cursor over the drop-down panel. As a result a tooltip is shown because the IsHint property is set to True:
Change icon of the input editor:
// Change icon of the input editor var iconImageList = new PP.ImageList({ //sprite source Source: "../build/img/app/help.png", //size of images in the sprite IconHeight: 16, IconWidth: 16, }); combo.setIconImageList(iconImageList);
As a result the icon of the input editor is changed:
See also: