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Working with General Visual Components > Classes > Combo > Combo.getTextBox





The getTextBox method returns text box of the entry editor.


Returned value is an object of the PP.Ui.TextBox class.


To execute the example, the <head> tag of the HTML page must contain links to PP.js script files and to PP.css styles files, in the <body> tag of the HTML page of the <div> item with the combo identifier and the example must be placed in the <script> tag. In the onload event of the <body> tag it is necessary to specify the call of the createCombo() function. Add input editor with a drop-down panel to the page and implement the ValueChanged event handler:

var combo;
function createCombo() {
    // Create input editor with a drop-down panel
    combo = new PP.Ui.Combo({
        // Set paren item
        ParentNode: document.getElementById("combo"),
        // Set width
        Width: 100,
        // Set attribute of editors creation
        NoCreateEditors: false,
        /* Set the attribute that the tooltip is visible on hovering the mouse over 
        the button of the drop-down panel opening */
        IsHint: true,
        /* Set an attribute of the drop-down panel opening 
        on clicking the header */
        OpenOnContentClick: true,
        /* Set an attribute of the drop-down panel opening 
        on clicking the component icon */
        OpenOnIconClick: true,
        /* Set an attribute of the drop-down panel closing 
        on the component contents clicking */
        CloseOnContentClick: true,
        // Set icon to the left of the component
        IconPosition: PP.LTRB.Left,
        /* Set the attribute that the drop-down width ignores 
        input editor width */
        IsDropHasCombosWidth: false,
        // Set an icon of the input editor
        IconUrl: "../build/img/app/icons16x16.png",
        // Handle the event of icon clicking in the input editor
        IconClick: function(sender, args) {            
            console.log("Icon is clicked in the input editor");        
        // Handle the event of value change in the input editor
        ValueChanged: function(sender, args) {            
            console.log("Value is changed in the input editor");        
    // Put the text in the drop-down panel
    var panel = combo.getDropPanel();    
    // Set width of the drop-down panel

Click the input editor with a left mouse button. The OpenOnContentClick property is set to True, then drop-down panel opens. The drop-down panel is wider than input editor because the IsDropHasCombosWidth property is set to False:

Get sizes of the icon put in the input editor:

// Get sizes of the icon put in the input editor
console.log("Icon height: " + combo.getIconHeight());
console.log("Icon width: " + combo.getIconWidth());

As a result the following is displayed in the console:

Icon height: 16

Icon width: 16


Set value in the text box of the input editor and determine whether it is possible edit the contents of the input editor:

// Set text in the input editor
//Determine whether it is possible to edit the text box of the input editor

Click with the mouse button on the input editor icon. The OpenOnIconClick and CloseOnContentClick properties are set to True, that is why the drop-down panel closes:

The following message is displayed in the console:

Icon in the input editor is clicked


Double click with mouse button on the input editor and change the Value 1 contents. As a result, the following message is displayed in the console:

Value is changed in the input editor


Set characters available to input in the text box of the input editor and highlighting of invalid input:

// Clear the input editor
// Set characters available to input in the text box of the input editor
var textBox = combo.getTextBox();
textBox.setAllowedSymbols(['1', '2', '3', '4']);
// Set highlighting of invalid input

Print the 12345 text in the input editor. As a result, in the text box of the input editor there is highlighting of invalid input and there is the following text: 1234:

Set highlighting of the valid input:

// Clear the input editor
//  Set highlighting of valid input

Print the 12345 text in the input editor. As a result, in the text box of the input editor there is a highlighting of valid input and there is the following text: 1234:

Hover the mouse cursor over the drop-down panel. As a result a tooltip is shown because the IsHint property is set to True:

Change icon of the input editor:

// Change icon of the input editor
var iconImageList = new PP.ImageList({
        //sprite source
        Source: "../build/img/app/help.png",
        //size of images in the sprite
        IconHeight: 16,
        IconWidth: 16,

As a result the icon of the input editor is changed:

See also:
