Working with General Visual Components > Classes > ColorCombo > ColorCombo.ColorChange
ColorChange: function (sender,args)
sender. Event source.
args. Event information.
The ColorChange event happens on changing the color after closing the drop-down list.
To execute the example, create the ColorCombo component named ColCombo (see Example of Creating the ColorCombo Component). Add the ColorChange event handler:
ColCombo.ColorChange.add(function (sender, args) { var col = ColCombo.getColor(); console.log( "Transparency: " + col.getA(), "; Blue: " + col.getB(), "; Red: " + col.getR(), "; Green: " + col.getG(), "; Brightness: " + col.getV(), "; Tone : " + col.getH(), "; Saturation : " + col.getS() ) });
After executing the example, on new color selection the JavaScript console of the browser displays the message with current color characteristics property.
See also: