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Working with General Visual Components > Classes > BubbleChartMasterSize > BubbleChartMasterSize.DataView



DataView: PP.Exp.Ui.EaxBubbleChartView


The DataView property contains view of the express report bubble chart.


Use the setDataView method to set the property value and from JSON, and the getDataView method to get the property value.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component) and with the Size active tab in the bubble chart wizard. Get the express report bubble chart identifier:

// Get a list of express report bubble chart wizard panels
var panels = expressBox.getPropertyBarView().getBubbleChartMaster().getItems();
for (var i in panels) {    
    var panel = panels[i];    
    if (panel.getTypeName() == "BubbleChartMasterSize") {
        // Get express report bubble chart view
        var bubbleChartView = panel.getDataView();
        console.log("Express report bubble chart identifier:");

After executing the example the browser console displays the express report bubble chart identifier:

Express report bubble chart identifier:

See also:
