Working with General Visual Components > Classes > TextBox > TextBox.AfterChange
AfterChange: function(sender, args, timeout);
sender. Event source.
args. Event information.
timeout. Time delay (milliseconds) after which the event is fired.
The AfterChange event occurs after text field editing is finished.
To execute the example, the page must contain the TextBox component named textBox (see Example of Creating the TextBox Component). Handle the following event: BeforeChange, AfterChange, AfterTimeout, TextChanged, and Enter, allow text box editing and change text box contents:
// Enable text box editing textBox.setEnableEdit(true); // Handle the BeforeChange event textBox.BeforeChange.add(function (sender, args, timeout) { console.log("The BeforeChange event is initiated") }); // Handle the AfterChange event textBox.AfterChange.add(function (sender, args, timeout) { console.log("The AfterChange event is initiated") }); // Handle the AfterTimeout event textBox.AfterTimeout.add(function (sender, args, timeout) { console.log("The AfterTimeout event is initiated") }); // Handle the TextChanged event textBox.TextChanged.add(function (sender, args, timeout) { console.log("The TextChanged event is initiated") }); // Handle the Enter event textBox.Enter.add(function (sender, args, timeout) { console.log("The Enter event is initiated") });
// Handle the ValueChanged event
textBox.ValueChanged.add(function (sender, args, timeout) {
console.log("The ValueChanged event is initialized");
}); // Change the text of the text box textBox.setContent("Text box");
After executing the example, the browser console displays messages informing that the handled events are fired:
The BeforeChange event is initialized
The TextChanged event is initialized
The AfterChange event is initialized
The ValueChanged event is initialized
PP.Ui.TextBox {_Events: Object, ImageMouseUp: PP.Delegate, ImageMouseDown: PP.Delegate, ImageClick: PP.Delegate, Focus: PP.Delegate…}
The AfterTimeout event is initialized
After clicking on the text box and pressing the Enter key, a message informing that the Enter event is fired is displayed:
Enter event initialized