Working with General Visual Components > Classes > DefaultSettingsProvider > DefaultSettingsProvider.getDefaultLabelsMaskText
The getDefaultLabelsMaskText method returns text mask of default data labels.
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the BubbleChart component named bubbleChart (see Example of Creating the BubbleChart Component). Get basic settings:
// Get basic settings class prov = bubbleChart.getSettingsProvider(); // Get visualizer linked to basic settings console.log(prov.getDataVisualizer()); // -> PP.Ui.BubbleChart {...} // Get basic settings: console.log(prov.getDefaultLabelsMaskText()); // -> Object {Value: "{%Value}", IsAuto: true} console.log(prov.getDefaultLegendBetweenFormat()); // -> Object {Value: "from {0} to {1}", IsAuto: true} console.log(prov.getDefaultLegendGreaterFormat()); // -> Object {Value: "greater than {0}", IsAuto: true} console.log(prov.getDefaultLegendLessFormat()); // -> Object {Value: "less than {0}", IsAuto: true} console.log(prov.getDefaultLegendNoDataText()); // -> Object {Value: "no data", IsAuto: true} console.log(prov.getDefaultNoDataText()); // -> Object {Value: "no data", IsAuto: true} console.log(prov.getDefaultSizeLegendMaxValueFormat()); // -> Object {Value: "{0}", IsAuto: true} console.log(prov.getDefaultSizeLegendMinValueFormat()); // -> Object {Value: "{0}", IsAuto: true} console.log(prov.getDefaultTooltipMaskText()); // -> "{%Name} // -> {%XTitle}: {%XValue:#,##.00} // -> {%YTitle}: {%YValue:#,##.00} // -> {%RTitle}: {%RValue:#,##.00} // -> {%ColorTitle}: {%ColorValue:#,##.00}"
After executing the example, the console displays basic visualizer settings.
See also: