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Working with Table

Working with Table


See below classes and enumerations used to work with a table.


  Class name Brief description
class_image.gif DefaultTabSheetDataSource The DefaultTabSheetDataSource class implements default data source for a table.
class_image.gif Sparkline The Sparkline class implements the Sparkline component that is a small chart.
class_image.gif TabSheet The TabSheet class implements a table.
class_image.gif TabSheetAdjustmentMgr The TabSheetAdjustmentMgr class controls table rows and columns resize.
class_image.gif TabSheetCell The TabSheetCell class is a table model cell.
class_image.gif TabSheetCellBorderStyle The TabSheetCellBorderStyle class presents styles of table cell borders.
class_image.gif TabSheetCellChange The TabSheetCellChange class is an operation that changes table cells.
class_image.gif TabSheetCellSpan The TabSheetCellSpan class is a range of merged cells in a table.
class_image.gif TabSheetCellSpanChange The TabSheetCellSpanChange class is an operation that merges table cells.
class_image.gif TabSheetCellStyle The TabSheetCellStyle class operates with table cell style.
class_image.gif TabSheetCellStylesChange The TabSheetCellStylesChange class is an operation that changes table cell styles.
class_image.gif TabSheetChange The TabSheetChange class represents undo commands.
class_image.gif TabSheetClipboardChange The TabSheetClipboardChange class is an operation that changes the clipboard.
class_image.gif TabSheetCoord The TabSheetCoord class represents coordinates of a table cell.
class_image.gif TabSheetDefaultEditor The TabSheetDefaultEditor class represents basic table editor.
class_image.gif TabSheetDimensionFilterPanel The TabSheetDimensionFilterPanel class is a filtering in the table dimension wizard group.
class_image.gif TabSheetExpander The TabSheetExpander method represents a group of table cells under expander.
class_image.gif TabSheetExpanderChange The TabSheetExpanderChange class represents an action that changes table cell group.
class_image.gif TabSheetFixedChange The TabSheetFixedChange class represents an action that changes visibility of fixed table rows.
class_image.gif TabSheetHeaderFilterPanel The TabSheetHeaderFilterPanel class is a filtering in the table heading wizard group.
class_image.gif TabSheetHiddenChange The TabSheetHiddenChange class represents an action that changes visibility of table rows and columns.
class_image.gif TabSheetMarkupChange The TabSheetMarkupChange class represents an action that changes columns width and rows height in the table.
class_image.gif TabSheetMeasures The TabSheetMeasures class represents table dimensions.
class_image.gif TabSheetModel The TabSheetModel class represents table model.
class_image.gif TabSheetObject The TabSheetObject class represents an object in the table.
class_image.gif TabSheetObjectChange The TabSheetObjectChange class represents an action that changes a table object.
class_image.gif TabSheetObjectSelection The TabSheetObjectSelection class represents selection of table object.
class_image.gif TabSheetRange The TabSheetRange class represents a range of table cells.
class_image.gif TabSheetSelection The TabSheetSelection class represents selection in the table.
class_image.gif TabSheetTableFilterPanel The TabSheetTableFilterPanel class is a filtering in the table data wizard group.


  Interface name Brief description
TabSheetSettings The TabSheetSettings interface is used to work with the TabSheet class.


  Enumeration name Brief description
PasteMode The PasteMode enumeration determines mode of pasting data to table.
TabSearchDirection The TabSearchDirection enumeration determines search direction in a table.
TabSearchTarget The TabSearchTarget enumeration contains properties of the cell, by which search is executed.
TabSheetAccessRights The TabSheetAccessRights enumeration determines access permissions for table cell.
TabSheetCellBorderIndex The TabSheetCellBorderIndex enumeration determines type of table cells border.
TabSheetCellBorderLineStyle The TabSheetCellBorderLineStyle enumeration determines style of cell border line.
TabSheetCellBorderWeight The TabSheetCellBorderWeight enumeration determines width of table cells corder line.
TabSheetCellValueType The TabSheetCellValueType enumeration determines type of value stored in a cell of table model.
TabSheetEditMode The TabSheetEditMode enumeration determines whether values in table cells can be edited.
TabSheetHyperLinkShowType The TabSheetHyperLinkShowType enumeration contains modes of displaying cell contents as hyperlinks.
TabSheetMetaChangeType The TabSheetMetaChangeType enumeration determines type of table properties changes.
TabSheetObjectType The TabSheetObjectType enumeration determines type of table object.
TabSheetSelection.AreaType The TabSheetSelection.AreaType enumeration contains types of selection areas in table.
TabFixedBehaviour The TabFixedBehaviour enumeration determines how fixed rows and columns in the table are selected on clicking.

See also:

Class Library