Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS > Classes > WbkDocument > WbkDocument.removeSheet
removeSheet (value);
value. Sets value for the key.
The removeSheet method removes sheet by its key or ID.
To execute the example, create a service for working with time series, get a workbook instance from the time series database (see WbkDocument.ActiveSheetKey) and add the following code in the handler that processes document opening:
// Create a button class instance var btnInsertSerie = new PP.Ui.Button({ ParentNode: "test", //DOM parent node Content: "RemoveSheet", //text Click: PP.Delegate(function(sender, args){ //click handler // Get sheet object by key or Id var sheet = wbkDocument.getSheet(sheetKey); console.log("sheet object by key or Id"); console.log(sheet); // Remove sheet by key or Id console.log("Remove sheet by key or Id"); wbkDocument.removeSheet(sheetKey); // Get sheet object by key or Id again // to check if the sheet is removed var sheet = wbkDocument.getSheet(sheetKey); console.log("sheet object by key or Id"); console.log(sheet); }, this) });
After executing the example clicking the RemoveSheet button removes current sheet from the workbook. The browser console displays information on the sheet deletion process:
number of the current sheet
sheet object by key or ID
PP.TS.Workbook {_WbkMetadata: Object, _Events: Object, ChangedSeries: PP.Delegate, WorkbookMdLoaded: PP.Delegate, _SelectedSeries: Array[0]…}
Remove sheet by key or ID
sheet object by key or ID
See also: