Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS > Classes > WbkDocument > WbkDocument.getActiveSheet
getActiveSheet ();
The getActiveSheet method returns active sheet.
The getActiveSheet method returns an instance of the Workbook class.
To execute the example, create a service for working with time series, get a workbook instance from the time series database (see WbkDocument.ActiveSheetKey) and add the following code in the handler that processes document opening:
var activeSheet = wbkDocument.getActiveSheet(); console.log("current sheet, object of the Workbook class"); console.log(activeSheet);
After executing the example the browser console displays the current sheet: that is, and instance of Workbook class:
current sheet, a Workbook class instance
PP.TS.Workbook {_WbkMetadata: Object, _Events: Object, ChangedSeries: PP.Delegate, WorkbookMdLoaded: PP.Delegate, _SelectedSeries: Array[0]…}
See also: