Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > WbkDataView > WbkDataView.getChartView
getChartView ();
The getChartView method returns a component used to show a chart.
It returns an instance of the EaxChartView class.
To execute the example, the page must contain the WbkDataBox component named wbkDataBox (see WbkDataBox Constructor), a chart must be open in the working area, and the following code must be added in the document opening event handler:
//get object - component used to display a chart (instance of the PP.Exp.Ui.EaxChartView class) var chartView = wbkDataBox.getChartView(); //Set component length equal to 400 pixels chartView.setWidth(400);
After executing the example width of the workbook chart is reduced to 400 pixels:
See also: