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Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > MetaAttributeTree > MetaAttributeTree Constructor

MetaAttributeTree Constructor




settings. JSON object that contains values of component properties.


The MetaAttributeTree constructor creates an instance of the MetaAttributeTree class.


To execute the example, specify links to the following JS and CSS files in the HEAD tag of HTML page:

The repository must contain a time series database with the 112 key.

Place the following code in the BODY tag:

	<div id='example'></div>

Add a script for creating the MetaAttributeTree component in the SCRIPT tag:

<script type="text/javascript">
    //Connect resources
    //Connect repository
    var mb = new PP.Mb.Metabase({
        PPServiceUrl: "PPService.axd?action=proxy",
        Id: "PPRepository",
            UserName: "user",
            Password: "password"
    //Open repository;
    //Create a service for working with time series tree
    var hieSrv = new PP.TS.HieService({ Metabase: mb });
    //Open time series database
    var hie =, null, 1565);
    //Create time series tree
    var maTree = new PP.TS.Ui.MetaAttributeTree({
        Source: hie,
        ImagePath: "../build/img/",
        ParentNode: "example",
        Height: 400,
        Width: 500,
    //Reload tree

After executing the example the HTML page contains the MetaAttributeTree component that is a time series tree:

See also:
