Working with Time Series Analysis > PP.TS.Ui > Classes > CrossFrequencyWizard > CrossFrequencyWizard.RequestMetadata
RequestMetadata(sender: Object, args: PP.Mb.Ui.PropertyChangedEventArgs);
sender. Event source.
args. Event information.
The RequestMetadata event occurs when there is no metadata in the source for the wizard that validates data by comparing frequency levels of their time series.
To execute this example, the HTML page must contain an instance of the CrossFrequencyWizard class named crossFrequencyWizard (see CrossFrequencyWizard Constructor). Process and fire the RequestMetadata event showing a message on metadata request to the browser console:
// Process the RequestMetadata event crossFrequencyWizard.RequestMetadata.add(function (sender, args) { console.log("Request metadata..."); }); // Fire this event, null);
After executing the example a message on metadata request is shown in the browser console:
Request metadata...
See also: