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Working with Regular Report > PP.Prx > Enumerations > Property


Namespace: PP.Prx


The Property enumeration contains regular report properties.

It is used by the PrxDocument.refresh method.

Available Values


Brief description

ActiveSheet Active report sheet.
AddValidations Adding of validations.
AutoRecalc Changing of autoupdate state.
BeforeDataSaved Start of data saving.
ChartSerie Chart data series.
ClearValidations Clearing of validations.
ControlBar Changing of side panel.
ControlValue Value of dimension selection.
Copy Copy.
DataEdited Change data.
DataSaveCanceled Cancel data saving.
DataSaved Save data.
DimSelection Dimension selection.
DrillClick Drilldown.
EditMode Edit mode.
ExpandersAction Using of expander.
ForceShowControls Hide and show controls.
GridSelection Selecting of table element.
HyperlinkClick Clicking the hyperlink.
MapRegion Territory.
NavigateValidationException Validation exception.
Recalc Recalculate (fully update) all report sheets.

See also:
