Working with Regular Report > PP.Prx > Classes > PrxMdService > PrxMdService.Export
Export (report, args, callback)
report. Exported object.
args. Export options.
callback. Callback procedure.
The Export method provides export of the object to the file of the specified format.
The Export method allocates the export result to the internal buffer. Take the export result from this clipboard is available only by the separate direct URL of the following type ..PPService.axd?action=export&key=LCFCKMJNHHCBEOAEMEFJGBGOCDANOGPEOLIDMKAJACDFLGED!M!S!PLCFCKMJNHHCBEOAELNCLHJOPHBFJANKECJGBENKFFADMGFKD!Bin!0&format=xls&d=1342526431868&inline=False
This URL is specific for the standard web application of Foresight Analytics Platform.
See also: