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Options: Object


The Options property determines chart settings.


To execute this example, the HTML page must contain the ReportBox component named reportBox (see Example of the ReportBox Component Layout). A chart must be available on regular report sheet. Change the chart background color:

var prxChart = reportBox.getDataView().getGridView().getTabSheet().getModel().getObjects()[0].getITabObject(); //get regular report chart
opts = prxChart.getInstance().options; //get current settings of the chart
opts.chart.backgroundColor = "#FFFACD"; //set new color for the chart background
prxChart.setOptions(opts); //set modified chart settings to the Options field
prxChart.refreshJSON(prxChart.getOptions()); //refresh chart settings
prxChart.OptionsChanged.add(function (sender, args) {
}); //add handler for the chart settings change event
prxChart.setInstance(prxChart.getOptions()); //change chart settings

After executing the example the chart background color is changed and the OptionsChanged event is fired: the browser console shows JSON object that contains chart settings.

See also:
