SAML2: PP.Mb.SAML2LogonData
The SAML2 property sets credentials for repository login using the SAML 2.0 protocol.
Executing the example requires the web application of Foresight. Analytics Platform. This requires that repository login using SAML 2.0 protocol is set up. Execute the following code in the browser console:
var samlUrl = PP.AppConfig.SAMLUrl; var body = {}; var req = new PP.Ajax({ Url: samlUrl, Type: PP.Ajax.Type.GET, Success: PP.Delegate(function (sender, args) { var res = JSON.parse(args.ResponseText); var saml = PP.getProperty(res, "GetSAMLRequestResult.samlRequest"); if (saml) { window.location.href = saml; // redirecting to identification provider return; } if (!PP.App.getActiveModule() && PP.App._moduleObject); args.Args.Waiter.hide(); if (res.OpenMetabaseResult) { PP.App._onMetabaseOpenedSuccess(sender, args); return; } // Opening the repository saml = res.GetSAMLResponseResult || {}; var mbCfg = PP.App.getMetabaseConfig(); mbCfg.UserCreds = { SAML2: new PP.Mb.SAML2LogonData({ ResponseUrl: saml.responseUrl, RemoteAddr: saml.remoteAddr, SamlResponse: saml.samlResponse }) }; mbCfg.Authentication = PP.App.AuthenticationMode.Ignore; PP.App.openMetabase(mbCfg); }), Body: body }); req.send(JSON.stringify(body));
After executing the example the repository opens using SAML 2.0.
See also: