MapFilledArrow Item

The MapFilledArrow item contains description of a filled arrow. An arrow with fill is an instance of the MapFilledArrow class.

Arrow settings example

Attributes of the <MapFilledArrow> Item

Attribute name Type Description
StartPoint Point Start point of the arrow. The attribute is taken into account if value of the StartShape attribute is not defined.
EndPoint Point End point of the arrow. The attribute is taken into account if value of the EndShape attribute is not defined.
Angle Double

Arrow angle.

Color String

Arrow color in HTML format.

StrokeThickness Double

Arrow width.

StrokeStyle StrokeStyle

Arrow style. Available values:

  • Solid: solid line.

  • Dash: dashed line.

  • Dot: dotted line.

  • DashDot: a dash-dot-dash line.

  • DashDotDot: a dash-dot-dot-dash line.

PointerWidth Double

Width of arrow pointer as a percentage of arrow length. Available values lie between 0 and 1.

PointerLength Double

Length of arrow pointer as a percentage of arrow length. Available values lie between 0 and 1.

Font Font

Identifier of a font described in the item dictionary or full description of the font. It can be used as an item for full description of a font. The identifier must be placed in curved brackets:


Text String

Arrow label text.

TextOrientation ArrowTextOrientation

Arrow label orientation. Available values:

  • Horizontal: horizontal.

  • AlongTheArrow: along the arrow direction.

TextBackground Brush

Identifier of a brush described in the items dictionary or full description of the brush used to paint arrow label. It can be used as an item for full description of a brush. The identifier must be placed in curved brackets:

Background: ”{identifier}”.

StartShape MapShape

Identifier of the form (region) from which the arrow starts. Format: StartShape: ”{ShapeId}”.

EndShape MapShape

Identifier of the form (region) to which the arrow enters. Format: EndShape: ”{ShapeId}”.

BasementWidth Double

Width of arrow base as a percentage of arrow length. Available values lie between 0 and 1.

See also:

MapArrows Item