Working with Map > Classes > MapVisualItem > MapVisualItem.checkEnclosure
checkEnclosure(x: Number, y: Number);
x. Point abscissa.
y. Point ordinate.
The checkEnclosure method checks whether the point with selected coordinates is conforming to any column of bar factor.
The method returns index of the column in bar factor corresponding to the point with selected coordinates. Otherwise the method returns the -1 value.
To execute the example the HTML page must contain an object of the MapBar type named mapBar (see MapVisualItem Constructor). Check whether points with selected coordinates correspond to any column of bar factor and whether specified areas crosses it:
// The function checks whether point with selected coordinates corresponds to any column of bar factor function checkEnclosure(position) { var enclosure = mapBar.checkEnclosure(position.getX(), position.getY()); console.log("Point with coordinates (%s, %s) %s", position.getX(), position.getY(), (enclosure > 0) ? "corresponds to column " + enclosure : "does not belong to bar factor"); } // The function checks if the specified area crosses any of bar factor columns function checkIntersection(rect) { var left = rect.getLeft(); var top = rect.getTop(); var right = rect.getLeft() + rect.getWidth() var bottom = rect.getTop() + rect.getHeight(); if (mapBar.checkIntersection(left, top, right, bottom, false)) { if (mapBar.checkIntersection(left, top, right, bottom, true)) { console.log("Area (%s, %s)-(%s, %s) is fully included into bar factor plot area", left, top, right, bottom); } else { console.log("Area (%s, %s)-(%s, %s) crosses bar factor", left, top, right, bottom); } } else { console.log("Area (%s, %s)-(%s, %s) does not cross bar factor", left, top, right, bottom); } } // Check if points with the specified coordinates correspond to any of bar factor columns checkEnclosure(new PP.Point({ X: mapBar.getLeft() + mapBar.getWidth() / 2, Y: Math.round(mapBar.getTop() - mapBar.getHeight() / 3) })); checkEnclosure(new PP.Point({ X: mapBar.getLeft(), Y: mapBar.getTop() })); // Check if the specified areas cross any of bar factor columns var rect1 = [mapBar.getLeft() + mapBar.getWidth() / 2, Math.round(mapBar.getTop() - mapBar.getHeight() / 3), mapBar.getWidth(), mapBar.getHeight() ]; checkIntersection(new PP.Rect(rect1.toString())); var rect2 = [mapBar.getLeft(), mapBar.getTop(), mapBar.getWidth(), mapBar.getHeight() ]; checkIntersection(new PP.Rect(rect2.toString()));
After executing the example, the browser console displays results of all checks:
Point with the (362, 171) coordinates corresponds to column 1
Point with the (329.5, 182.5) coordinates does not belong to bar factor
The (362, 171)-(427, 206) area crosses bar factor
The (329.5, 182.5)-(394.5, 217.5) area does not cross bar factor
See also: