Working with Map > Classes > MapShape > MapShape.Visual
Visual: PP.AreaVisual;
The Visual property determines data mapping settings of the map layer area.
Use JSON or the setVisual method to set the property value and the getVisual method to get the property value.
To execute the example the HTML page must contain the MapChart component named map (see Example of Creating the MapChart Component). Apply new settings for a map layer area with the RU-KYA ID and show a tooltip for it:
// Returns a layer with map areas function getWorkLayer() { return map.getLayer("Regions"); } // Returns a base class of the map territory factor function getAreaVisual() { return getWorkLayer().getVisual(); } // Returns data source function getDataSource() { return map.getDataSources().DataSource0; } /* Creates an object to work with settings of data mapping for the territory factor */ function createAreaVisual() { var areaVisual = { ColorMapping: getColorMapping(), HeightMapping: getAreaVisual().getHeightMapping(), Id: "MapAreaVisual" }; return areaVisual; } /* Creates settings of data mapping with the fill color of the map layer area */ function getColorMapping() { var colorMappings = new PP.DataMapping({ DataSource: getDataSource(), Type: PP.DataMappingType.Scale, DimAttributeId: "areaColor0", Id: "areaColor0", // Determine a scale Scale: new PP.ScaleBase({ Items: "#FF705B #FF9191 #C3D66C #6BBC80 #82BAB6 Transparent", NoData: "Gray", TypeArguments: "Brush", Id: "MapScale0", Values: "0 30 70 100" }) }) return colorMappings; } // Creates tooltip function createToolTip() { var toolTip = new PP.Ui.ChartTooltipBase({ HoverMode: PP.HoverMode.Click, MaskText: { IsAuto: true, Value: "{%Name}" } }); return toolTip; } // Creates a bubble factor function createMapShape() { var mapShape = getWorkLayer().getShape("RU-KYA"); mapShape.setVisual(createAreaVisual()); mapShape.setValue("Krasnoyarsk"); mapShape.setToolTip(createToolTip()); var domNode = mapShape.getDomNode(); domNode.setAttribute("stroke", PP.Color.Colors.yellow); mapShape.setDomNode(domNode); return mapShape; } // Render a map territory info function drawMapShape(mapShape) { if (mapShape.getDomNode() == null) { mapShape.draw(); } var shapes = getWorkLayer().getShapes(); shapes[mapShape.getId()] = mapShape; // Refresh a map map.refresh(); } // Render a tooltip function drawToolTip(mapShape) { // Determine fill color of the tooltip var toolTipColor = mapShape.getToolTipColor(); mapShape.getToolTip().setBackground(new PP.SolidColorBrush({ Color: toolTipColor, Opacity: 0.5 })); mapShape.getToolTip().setFont(new PP.Font()); // Show the tooltip mapShape.toggleTooltip(mapShape.getCenter().getX(), mapShape.getCenter().getY()); } // Shows information about map layer area function printShapeInfo(mapShape) { if (mapShape.getIsRendered()) { console.log("The %s map layer area is successfully rendered", mapShape.getId()); } console.log("Current fill color of the %s map layer area: %s", mapShape.getId(), mapShape.getCurrentBrush().getColor()); if (mapShape.getIsSettingsCreated()) { console.log("Map layer area was created basing on the user's settings"); } else { console.log("Map layer area was created basing on the settings received on topobase parsing"); } console.log("The 1%s map layer area is 2%s transparent", mapShape.getId(), (mapShape.isOpaque() ? "not " : "")); } // Displays information showed in the tooltip function printToolTipInfo(mapShape) { console.log("The tooltip is shown for the %s map layer area", mapShape.getToolTipValues().Name); } // Get map layer area var mapShape = createMapShape(); // Render the area drawMapShape(mapShape); // Show the tooltip drawToolTip(mapShape); // Display information about map layer area printShapeInfo(mapShape); // Display information showed in the tooltip printToolTipInfo(mapShape);
After executing the example, new data mapping settings were defined, a new value "Krasnoyarsk" was set, an area border was colored into yellow, a tooltip is shown for the map layer area with the RU-KYA identifier:
The browser console displays an information about the map layer area with the RU-KYA identifier and the tooltip:
The RU-KYA map layer area is successfully rendered
Current fill color of the RU-KYA map layer area: #FF9191
The map layer area was created basing on the settings received on topobase parsing
The RU-KYA map layer area is not transparent
The tooltip is shown for the Krasnoyarsk map layer area
See also: