Working with Map > Classes > MapShape > MapShape.getBoundingBox
The getBoundingBox method returns the cube bounding 3D map layer area.
The method returns a PP.Box value.
To execute the example the HTML page must contain the MapChart component named map (see Example of Creating the MapChart Component). A map with the WebGL topobase must also be loaded (see the page with description of the MapChart.TopoNormalization property).
Draw a rectangle bounding a region with the ID RU-KYA in 3D map layer, and a circle in the centre of this area:
// Get map layer area with the RU-KYA identifier var shape = map.getShape("RU-KYA"); // Get the cube bounding map layer area var box = shape.getBoundingBox(); // Get screen coordinates for the top left point of the cube var vector1 = new PP.Vector3(box.getLeft(), box.getBottom() + box.getHeight(), box.getFar()); var point1 = map.sceneToScreen(vector1); // Get screen coordinates for the bottom right point of the cube var vector2 = new PP.Vector3(box.getLeft() + box.getWidth(), box.getBottom(), box.getFar()); var point2 = map.sceneToScreen(vector2); // Create a rectangle bounding map layer area var rect = PP.SVG.rect(map.getDomNode().getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]); PP.SVG.setAttr(rect, { 'x': point1.getX(), 'y': point1.getY(), 'width': point2.getX() - point1.getX(), 'height': point2.getY() - point1.getY(), 'opacity': 0.5 }); // Get central point of the map layer area var center = shape.getPoint(0.5, 0.5); // Get screen coordinates for the cube central point var vector3 = new PP.Vector3(center.getX(), center.getY(), center.getZ()); var point3 = map.sceneToScreen(vector3); // Draw a circle with the center in this point var circle ="svg")[0]); PP.SVG.setAttr(circle, { 'cx': point3.getX(), 'cy': point3.getY(), 'r': 5, 'fill': PP.Color.Colors.lightblue });
After executing the example a rectangle is drawn bounding 3D map layer area with the RU-KYA identifier, and a circle is drawn in the center of this area:
See also: