Working with Map > Classes > MapChart > MapChart.SphereTexture
SphereTexture: String;
The SphereTexture property determines an address of image used as a texture for the Sphere topobase.
Use JSON or the setSphereTexture method to set the property value and the getSphereTexture method to get the property value.
The property can be applied only for maps with Sphere topobase.
To execute the example the HTML page must contain the MapChart component named map (see Example of Creating the MapChart Component). The map of the Sphere type should also be loaded, to do so it is necessary to execute the following script line:
The folder with images must also contain a texture file named water.png and having a size 512 to 512 pixels.
Set a new texture for Sphere map topobase:
var texture = PP.ImagePath + "water.png"; map.setSphereTexture(texture);
After executing the example new texture for a map was loaded and installed:
See also: