Working with Map > Classes > MapArrowBase > MapArrowBase.EndPoint
EndPoint: PP.Point
The EndPoint property sets end point for the arrow.
The property is relevant if the value of the EndShape property is not defined.
Point coordinates are set in pixels.
To execute the example the HTML page must contain the MapChart component (see Map Layout on HTML Page) named map, XML file that contains map settings, and the Russia.svg topobase.
Add an arrow with defined start and end coordinates on the map.
function addSimpleArrow() {
var simpleArrowSettings = {
"@Angle": "30",
"@Color": "Red",
"@StrokeThickness": "4",
"@StrokeStyle": "Dash",
"@PointerWidth": "0.3",
"@PointerLength": "0.5"
simpleArrowSettings.Chart = map;
simpleArrowSettings.Dictionary = map.getItemsDictionary();
var simpleArrow = new PP.MapSimpleArrow(simpleArrowSettings);
simpleArrow.setStartPoint(new PP.Point(100, 300));
simpleArrow.setEndPoint(new PP.Point(300, 300));
After executing the example a simple arrow is added on the map; arrow start coordinates are (100, 300), arrow end coordinates are (300, 300).
See also: