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Working with Speedometer

Working with Speedometer


The following classes and enumerations are used to work with the Speedometer component.


  Class name Brief description
ArrowPanel The ArrowPanel class is the arrow setup panel.
CenterPanel The CenterPanel class implements speedometer wizard panel for center setup.
CircleMarker The CircleMarker class implements displaying marker as a circle.
ColorSectorsPanel The ColorSectorsPanel class implements speedometer wizard panel used for sectors setup.
DropShadow The DropShadow class is used to work with speedometer visualizer shadow.
GaugeArrowBase The GaugeArrowBase class implements the basic object for speedometer arrows.
GaugeMarkerBase The GaugeMarkerBase class implements basic abstract object for speedometer markers.
GaugeMaster The GaugeMaster class implements view of a group of tabs used to work with speedometer settings.
GaugeObject The GaugeObject class is the basic class for speedometer visualizers.
GaugeProperties The GaugeProperties class implements the tab used to set up speedometer scale.
GaugeScale The GaugeScale class implements speedometer scale.
GaugeSector The GaugeSector class implements speedometer elements as sectors.
GaugeTextLabel The GaugeTextLabel class implements speedometer text labels.
GaugeTrendPoint The GaugeTrendPoint class implements displaying a cutoff on speedometer scale.
ImageMarker The ImageMarker class implements marker as an image.
LightBrushPanel The LightBrushPanel class implements speedometer wizard panel for dynamic highlighting.
LineArrow The LineArrow class implements the line arrow.
LineMarker The LineMarker class implements displaying marker as a line segment.
RhombMarker The RhombMarker class implements displaying marker as a rhomb (diamond).
ScalePanel The ScalePanel class implements speedometer wizard panel for scale setup.
SectorArrow The SectorArrow class implements an arrow displayed as a sector.
Shadow The Shadow class implements shadow for speedometer items.
Speedometer The Speedometer class implements the Speedometer component.
SpeedometerPanel The SpeedometerPanel class implements the Speedometer panel of the speedometer wizard.
TriangleArrow The TriangleArrow class implements a triangular arrow.
TriangleMarker The TriangleMarker class implements displaying marker as a triangle.


  Enum name Brief description
BorderStyle The PP. BorderStyle enumeration contains styles of drawing objects' borders.
GaugeScaleModes The PP. GaugeScaleModes enumeration contains scale types.
GaugeStyleLabels The PP.GaugeStyleLabels enumeration contains available positions for drawing a mark on parent component.
SpeedometerSettings The PP. SpeedometerSettings enumeration contains available variants of settings saving and loading.

See also:

Class Library