Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > TableCatView > TableCatView.getTableAnalysisParetoButtonState
The getTableAnalysisParetoButtonState method returns properties of the Distribution button in the Analysis group on the Table tool ribbon tab.
The method returns a value as a JSON object.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). Get properties for the following buttons: Distribution, Rotate Table, and Style And Formatting:
// Get view of the Table tab var category = expressBox.getRibbonView().getTableCategory(); // Output properties of the Distribution button console.log("Distribution: " + JSON.stringify(category.getTableAnalysisParetoButtonState())); console.log("Rotate table: " + JSON.stringify(category.getTableAngleButtonState())); // Get view of the Conditional Formatting button var style = category.getTableCFormatButton(); console.log("Style and formatting: " + JSON.stringify(category.getTableStyleState(style)));
After executing the example the following text is displayed in the browser console:
Distribution: {"pivot":{"pareto":{"columnsSettings":{"kind":"Percent","threshold":"0.8","displayMax":True,"enabled":False,"elementIndex":"-2"},"rowsSettings":{"enabled":False}}}}
Rotate table: {"grid":{"transposed":True}}
Style and formatting: {"PredefinedStyle":null,"Name":"EAX table style"}
See also: