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Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > EaxToolBarView > EaxToolBarView.getItems





The getItems method returns an array of buttons used to switch between data view modes.


The method returns an array of object of the PP.Ui.ToolBarButton type.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). Get the array of buttons used to switch between data view modes, refresh each of the buttons and show appropriate messages:

// Get button group view for selecting data display mode
var toolBar = expressBox.getDataView().getToolBarView();
// Get button group
var buttons = toolBar.getItems();
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
    var button = buttons[i];
    // Refresh obtained button
    console.log("The «" + button.getContent() + "» button is refreshed." );

After executing the example all buttons from the array of buttons used to switch between data view modes, are refreshed one by one, and appropriate messages are shown to the browser console:

The Table button is refreshed.
The Chart button is refreshed.
The Map button is refreshed.

See also:
