Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > EaxPropertyBar > EaxPropertyBar.getAnalysisPanel
The getAnalysisPanel method returns the analysis panel.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). Then get IDs of some panels and wizards contained in the express report properties panel:
function getId(eaxPropBar, groups) { var id = ""; var panel = null; if (eaxPropBar && groups) { groups = Array.isArray(groups) ? groups : [groups]; for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { switch (groups[i]) { case PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Table: // Get analysis panel panel = eaxPropBar.getAnalysisPanel(); break; case PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Chart: // Get chart wizard panel = eaxPropBar.getChartMaster(); break; case PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Map: // Get map wizard panel = eaxPropBar.getMapMaster(); break; case PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Title: // Get panel for title setup panel = eaxPropBar.getTitlePanel(); break; case PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Sheet: // Get totals panel panel = eaxPropBar.getTotalsPanel(); break; default: panel = null; }; if (panel != null) { // Get ID for panel or wizard id = panel.getId(); console.log("Object ID " + panel.getTypeName() + ": " + panel.getId()); panel = null; } } } }; // Get view of the express report properties panel var eaxPropBar = expressBox.getPropertyBarView(); // Get IDs of wizards and panels contained in the express report properties panel getId(eaxPropBar, PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Table); getId(eaxPropBar, PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Chart); getId(eaxPropBar, PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Map); getId(eaxPropBar, PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Title); getId(eaxPropBar, PP.Exp.Ui.PropertyGroups.Sheet);
After executing the example the browser console displays identifiers of the analysis panel, title panel, totals panel, and also of the wizards for chart, map and selected bubble chart elements:
ID of the AnalysisPanel object: 15352
ID of the ChartMaster object: 18102
ID of the PP.Ui.MapMaster object: 18315
ID of the TitleStructurePanel object: Title
ID of the TotalsPanel object: Totals
See also: