Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > EaxParameterView > EaxParameterView.ParamChanged
ParamChanged: function (sender, args);
sender. Event source.
args. Event information. Available arguments: NewValue - new value assigned to the parameter, Visible - parameter visibility indicator.
The ParamChanged event occurs on changing an express report parameter.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). Handle the ParamChanged event, showing the new parameter value and its visibility to the browser console, next check if the created handler can be executed:
// Get an object of the EaxParameterView class var paramsPanel = expressBox.getPropertyBarView().getDataSourceParamsPanel() // Get parameter view var parameterView = paramsPanel._Items[0]; // Handle the ParamChanged event parameterView.ParamChanged.add( function (sender, args) { var message; if (args.NewValue != undefined) console.log("NewValue: " + args.NewValue); if (args.Visible != undefined) console.log("Is visible: " + args.Visible); } ); // Change parameter value parameterView.setParamValue(12); // Hide parameter parameterView.setParamVisible(False);
After executing the example the browser console displays data on the changed parameter properties:
NewValue: 12
Is visible: false
The parameter itself is hidden:
See also: