Working with Express Report > PP.Exp > Classes > EaxMapDefaultSettingsProvider > EaxMapDefaultSettingsProvider.getArrowDefaultTooltipMaskText
The getArrowDefaultTooltipMaskText method contains format of arrows on a map.
The method is intended for internal use on building a map with arrows. To display arrows, the express report data source must contain a cube with dimensions by territories.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component with the expressBox identifier (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component).
// Get basic map settings dataView = expressBox.getDataView(); mapView = dataView.getMapView(); map = mapView.getInstance(); defaultSettings = map.getSettingsProvider(); // Get arrow label output format on map console.log("Arrow label output format on map: " + defaultSettings.getArrowDefaultTooltipMaskText());
After executing the example the browser console displays settings of arrow label output on a map:
Arrow label output format on map: {%StartShape} > {%EndShape}, {%TimelineStep}
See also: