Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > EaxDimBarMasterPanel > EaxDimBarMasterPanel.getDimTreeView
The getDimTreeView method returns dimension tree on a selected selection wizard panel.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). Then get dimension tree on one of the selection wizard panels, and disable multiple selection in this tree:
// Get selection control wizard in dimension var dimBarMaster = expressBox.getPropertyBarView().getDimBarMasterView(); // Display panel; // Get first dimension key var dimKey = dimBarMaster.getCurrentState()[0].k; var masterPanel = dimBarMaster.getPanelByDimKey(dimKey); // Disable mode of forming a data batch for sending to server masterPanel.setBatchMode(False); var title = masterPanel.getTitle(); console.log("Key: %s, title: %s", dimKey, title); // Get dimension tree var tree = masterPanel.getDimTreeView().getControl(); // Prohibit multiple selection in dimension with the dimKey key and refresh selections on dimension panel tree.setSelectionMode(PP.Ui.TreeListSelectionMode.SingleSelect);
After executing the example multiple selection is disabled in the tree shown in the panel that contains a dimension named Countries with the key 1646, and the browser console displays information on this dimension:
Key: 1646, Title: Countries
Requests were automatically sent to server without forming a data batch.
See also: