Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > EaxChartView > EaxChartView.refreshJSON
hcJson. New settings for the express report chart.
The refreshJSON method refreshes the express report chart in accordance with the specified JSON object.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component) and have a loaded chart in working area of the express report. Change the chart type in chart settings, next refresh the chart according to the changes:
// Get view of the express report chart var chartView = expressBox.getDataView().getChartView(); // Get an instance of the express report chart var instance = chartView.getInstance(); // Change the chart type instance.options.chart.defaultSeriesType = "pie"; chartView.refreshJSON(instance.options);
After executing the example the express report chart becomes a pie chart:
See also: