Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > EaxCategoryView > EaxCategoryView.getColTotalsButton
The getColTotalsButton method returns the Column Totals button on the express report tool ribbon.
The method returns an object of the PP.Ui.SplitButton type. On the tool ribbon this button looks as follows:
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). In the example given below the following information is displayed: button names, and row's and column's index in the icon table:
var category; getImageInfo = function(button) { // Output button name var str = button.getContent() + ". "; if (button instanceof PP.Ui.SplitButton) { str += "Row index: " // Output row index in icons table str += button.getImageButton().getRowIndex(); str += ", Column index: " // Output column index in icons table str += button.getImageButton().getColumnIndex(); } console.log(str); } // Get view of the Table tab category = expressBox.getRibbonView().getTableCategory(); getImageInfo(category.getColTotalsButton()); getImageInfo(category.getCondFormatButton()); getImageInfo(category.getIndButton()); getImageInfo(category.getRowsTotalsButton()); // Get view of the Data tab category = expressBox.getRibbonView().getDataRibbonCategory(); getImageInfo(category.getFilterButton()); getImageInfo(category.getRankingButton()); getImageInfo(category.getTypeDataButton()); // Get view of the Title tab category = expressBox.getRibbonView().getTitleCategory(); getImageInfo(category.getTitleButton()); // Get view of the View tab category = expressBox.getRibbonView().getViewRibbonCategory(); getImageInfo(category.getDimViewModeButton());
After executing the example the browser console displays the following text:
Column totals. Row index: 5, Column index: 5
Conditional formatting. Row index: 3, Column index: 4
Growth indicator. Row index: 2, Column index: 19
Row totals. Row index: 5, Column index: 4
Filter. Row index: 3, Column index: 1
Show as ranks. Row index: 2, Column index: 18
Convert data. Row index: 1, Column index: 18
Title. Row index: 3, Column index: 20
Side<br />panel.
See also: