Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > EaxBubbleChartView > EaxBubbleChartView.EnableHyperlinkText
EnableHyperlinkText: Boolean
The EnableHyperlinkText property determines whether hyperlinks are allowed in text labels of express report bubble chart.
Property value can be set using the setEnableHyperlinkText and from JSON, and returned using the getEnableHyperlinkText method.
The property is set to True if hyperlinks are allowed in text labels of the express report bubble chart, and False if otherwise. By default this property is set to True.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component) and have a loaded bubble chart in express report working area. Prohibit using hyperlinks in text labels of this bubble chart:
// Get express report bubble chart wizard var master = expressBox.getPropertyBarView().getBubbleChartMaster(); // Get expressreport bubble chart view var bubbleChartView = master.getDataView(); // Prohibit hyperlinks bubbleChartView.setEnableHyperlinkText(False); // Refresh bubble chart view bubbleChartView.refreshAll();
Before executing the example labels of the express report bubble chart contain hyperlinks:
After executing the example labels of the express report bubble chart do not contain hyperlinks:
See also: