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Working with Express Report > PP.Exp.Ui > Classes > EaxBubbleChartView > EaxBubbleChartView.addBubbleSettings





settings. Settings of express report bubble chart as a JSON string.


The addBubbleSettings method adds settings of express report bubble chart.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component), and a chart must be loaded in the data area. Then set new fill color and transparency for bubble chart legend:

// Get a list of panels of express report bubble chart wizard
var master = expressBox.getPropertyBarView().getBubbleChartMaster();       
var bubbleChartView = master.getDataView();
// Get current fill color and transparency of express report bubble chart legend 
var solid = bubbleChartView.getOptions().BubbleChart.Legend.ChartLegend.Background.SolidColorBrush;
console.log("Fill color and transparency of bubble chart legend: " + JSON.stringify(solid));
// Set new values for fill color and transparency of bubble chart
var options = "[{\"Name\":\"chartmaster.legendpanel.background\",\"Value\":{\"SolidColorBrush\":{\"@Color\":\"#DCE6F1\",\"@Opacity\":50}}}]";

After executing the example the browser console displays current values of fill color and transparency for bubble chart legend, and new values for these parameters are set:

Fill color and transparency of bubble chart legend:

The express report bubble chart will look as follows:
