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Working with Express Report > PP.Exp > Classes > EaxAnalyzer > EaxAnalyzer.Selection



Selection: Object


The Selection property contains cells selected in the express report table.


Property value can be set using JSON or the setSelection method, and returned using the getSelection method.

Value of this property is an array of JSON objects with the following fields: range - selection range in the express report table, type - selection type.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component).  Select a random range in express report table, next get coordinates, length and width of this range:

var eaxAnalyzer = expressBox.getSource();
// Work if cells are selected
if(eaxAnalyzer.getIsSelectionChanged()) {
    // Get selected express report elements
    var selection = eaxAnalyzer.getSelection();
    // Get information about the first selected area
    var info =[0];
    // Output coordinates of selected area
    console.log("Top: " +;
    console.log("Left: " + info.left);
    // Output width and height of selected area
    console.log("Width: " + info.width);
    console.log("Height: " + info.height);

After executing the example the browser console displays coordinates, length and width of the range selected in the table:

Top: 3
Left: 2
Width: 2
Height: 4

See also:
